How to Choose a Dating App to Find Your Ideal Match

This is the wind outside my house today.

Hello, blogging friends!

Since I had such a good day yesterday, I decided to catch up with you guys. It’s been far too long.

I don’t really have too much to report since my days are now filled with a lot of writing work. The hubby and I finally finished season 2 of Shadows House last night (work has been making us very tired). Despite the fatigue, I have been reading more often. I am currently reading A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving and am loving it! I am also on the last official volume of Chibi Vampire, so I hope to complete that soon. With the windy weather outside, I’d much rather be reading right now, instead of waiting for a meeting to start.

Another one of my Iris Dating blogs has also gone live if you want to check it out.

Let me know how you’re doing in the comments below!

Happy Valentines Day!

I know it’s been a hot minute since I updated my little blog. Having two regular writing positions, my regular clients, and anyone needing my services is really keeping me busy!

If I’m not writing for someone, I’m in a meeting with my employers. It’s been pretty hectic, and as you can imagine, I don’t really want to write in my spare time. I’ve been trying to do more reading during those periods.

Besides all of that, two pieces of my work have gone live. One of my regular contributions to Iris Dating on when to ask someone to be your valentine. Believe it or not, there is a right and wrong time.

The other is a piece for a disability magazine about my own struggles and triumphs with freelance writing.

I hope you enjoy them, and Happy Valentines Day!

Iris Dating’s Answer to Hook-Up Culture and Catfishing

Hello! I’m back with another blog for the Iris Dating app. It’s all about how the app tries to crack down on fake profiles and catfishers. I will say that this app is dedicated to helping its users find love.

Besides my writing, I’ve been busy as a bee working on my upcoming podcast and managing my support group. More details about the podcast later.

I have a virtual job interview today too! Wish me luck!

What You Could Be Missing Out On

My face upon having to be stuck 3 times.

I don’t know what else to say besides that I’m tired. I know I only worked two days this week, but it is exhausting when you have to catch up from the holidays.

Additionally, I had a lab appointment today, and they took blood. The poor guy had to stick me three times!

Oh, well…

Here’s another piece from Iris Dating that I wholeheartedly endorse. Not just because I wrote it but because it’s true. If I had worried about the distance, I would have never ended up with my babe.

How to Tell if There’s Mutual Attraction and Big Things are Coming

Hello friends!

I’m back from my little Christmas holiday! However, it’s only a 2-day work week for me, and I’m off to ring in the new year. I chose to devoid myself of social media for the holiday. Social media is a huge part of my work now, and I get burned out on it frequently.

Now, for some exciting news!

I signed the paperwork with Huffington Post/Buzzfeed, and my first significant publication is underway! Additionally, my partner and I should be recording the first episode of our podcast this week. Big things are coming!

In the meantime, Iris Dating has another blog post by yours truly; check it out if you’re interested in learning about mutual attraction.

Overcoming Fear of Rejection with the Iris Dating App

Small victories, folks. I got my piece to Jumble and Flow in a good time frame today. So, as far as I know, I’m off tomorrow.

In the world of my publications, Iris Dating has a new blog out by yours truly.

Dating can be challenging for anyone, especially if you fear rejection. The Iris Dating app was designed to remove some of that fear. How does it work? Read my blog to find out.

Sorry everyone, I don’t know when I’ll be back to posting regular blog posts. I have a lot to stress about right now.

Finding Love Online with a Disability

Huzzah! One of my babies was sent out into the world today!

Unfortunately, it is common for people that are disabled to either:

a. Be stereotyped as “Oh, they’re disabled. They won’t find anyone” by outsiders.


b. Give up on finding love due to these assumptions or bad dating experiences.

I was too much of a die-hard romantic and stubborn to do either of these things.

I know it’s another article post. I hope I can hop on here and explain some things this week.

CBD Oil for Anxiety and Depression

Hello everyone!

A New Article

I know I’ve been terrible at keeping up with my blog and reading all of yours lately. I’ll attempt to explain why.

It’s Thanksgiving week here in the States, and I am looking forward to a little break. I’ve been hard at work on a course that will help me forge a new path in my career, and when I’m not doing that, I’m tending to my clients for Miranda the Freelancer.

It’s a lot of work, and I never feel like I have any spare time to myself, but I know it will be worth it in the end.

Recently, a new piece of mine has been published for Now with Purpose. It’s all about how CBD oil can help relieve people with anxiety and depression. I would know because that’s exactly what I use it for! Check it out here.

I may be teaching a course

Additionally, I want to put some “feelers” out there. Would anyone of my readers be interested in a course that covers maintaining a positive self-image and building healthy romantic relationships? Its conception was thought of for the disabled community, but anyone can be a part of it.

We also have a Facebook group, if you are interested:

Please check out the group and let me know if you are interested in the course.

The Power of Three!

These past couple of months have been busy for Miranda the Freelancer. I have worked tirelessly to gain new clients and drum up interest in my little business. In doing so, my portfolio has grown quite a bit.

Yesterday, three of my labors went live. 

Clay and its Drawing Powers for the Skin

The second piece in my six blog post deal with LUXWORKS is about clay. Did you know that clay is very beneficial for the skin? The substance found in our Earth has impressive abilities to draw the impurities out of our skin. Click the above link to learn more.

Hemp Oil Benefits in Your Skincare

The next piece for LUXWORKS may surprise you. Cannabis and its derivatives have been focused on a lot lately due to its legal status. Hemp is a part of cannabis and has been utilized by the human race for centuries. Did you know it could upgrade your skincare game? Check out the blog to find out more.

Is Physical Attraction Important?

My latest from Iris Dating asks the question, is physical attraction important? The short answer is yes. Iris Dating believes it to be an essential element in romance and dating. Why? Check out the blog to find out.

What do you think about my work? Let me know in the comments. I do have a regular post coming soon. I just have a lot of pieces going live.

Two for One!

Please forgive the violent GIF. School Days is one of my favorite anime (don’t judge), and it fits with the theme of “fatal attraction.”

Iris Dating has recently published two more of my pieces!

Is He Attracted to Me? 

This blog post talks all about how to gauge if someone is attracted to you. It’s not the “tell all” way to determine if someone is into you. After all, everyone’s love language is different. However, this article may be a good starting point for unraveling the mystery.

What Does Fatal Attraction Mean?

Oh, boy! As a devoted cinephile, this was an extremely fun piece to write! Find out where the phrase “fatal attraction” came from. Just don’t get it confused with Iris Dating’s belief in “starting with attraction.” 

What do you think of these blogs? Let’s talk in the comments!